Monday, May 18, 2020

The Baseline Theory, And Game Theory - 1102 Words

by Jon Von Neumann, although that development involved a number of many scholars who thought collectively way back in the 1950s (Hart, 2015). The model has further been taken global with such figures like Jean Tirole, who received global attention for the Nobel Memorial Prize award in 2011. The baseline theory, and game theory are applicable in business contexts as it did for Glasberg et al (2014) research case study. For the problem statement given above, game theory stands high applicable chances based on the idea that any business has to weigh the risks involved before considering a particular strategy (Blonski Spagnolo, 2015). Cloud computing is part of the technologies seen important in the contemporary business context. This, however, is accompanied by many risks and any organization has to determine such risks, and identify who loses and who gains in the undertaken risk. Envisioned Study3 The envisioned study is based on the same idea. For example, if the cloud computing technology violates the health care restrictions, then the organization will lose in the process. With relevant application of risk management strategies, it is possible to handle the risk in the most appropriate way such that whoever gains ends up gaining little. Apparently, Glasberg and his colleagues developed the idea of crisis management such that businesses may end up incurring little or no losses in case the risk takes a negative course (Blonski Spagnolo, 2015). The health care system isShow MoreRelatedRevised Curriculum for Project ALERT Essay examples870 Words   |  4 Pagesareas over the fall of 1997 to spring of 1999. The Project ALERT utilized three theories of behavioral change. The study was based on the social influence model of prevention. Project ALERT used the health belief model, which aimed at cognitive factors that influenced healthy behavior. 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