Saturday, May 23, 2020

Human Rights Abuses in Girls Institutions - 531 Words

The section that really grabbed my attention is â€Å"Human Rights Abuses in Girls’ Institutions?† I would like to add that abusive people such as the girls who are being abused in the system are psychologically ill and or medically ill, they perpetrate abuse on those people around them. The second step to overcome the abuse is to educate yourself. Girls need to gain confidence and knowledge to learn everything they can about what they have gone through and turn their lives around. Many young girls can read books or research in the Internet about emotional abuse. Resources can help them understand the nature of the person who abused you and gain insights about your own personality. You can take part in counseling groups where you can find comfort in others who are going through the same experience as you are. Be in the company of supportive and loving people who will guide you all the way. I think that is very important for females to research everything that they do n ot know about what they are going through, in that way they can get help from sources that can give them tips about what to do in some situations for example in cases when they are experiencing anxiety or depression. Another thing that is very important is to look for a professional that can help them on their process. Therapy can be very important on the process; women can find in it a lot of answers to their questions. Going to counseling groups is another important part on the process. 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