Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Personal Narrative Being Asian American

I am a girl with two heads. At home, I wear my Chinese head, in school I wear my English head. Being an Asian, or Chinese, as it is commonly referred to, my culture plays a key role in the development of who I am and what I do, my personal identity. An identity is the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Parents are often one of the key factors of this culturally developed personal identity. â€Å"Fortunately, children do not need â€Å"perfect† parents. They do need mothers and fathers who will think on their feet and who will be thoughtful about what they have done. They do need parents who can be flexible, and who can use a variety of approaches to discipline.† - James L. Hymes, Jr. this quote, I can say, is physically†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"A bamboo stick makes a good child.† This was a famous quote that ran in my family for many years since it worked on every child my father knows. I’m not sure it is superior or awful, but it works, for it was authoritarian restraint that tainted me from the past to the current me. It was the day, the report card appeared into my mail box. I headed into the house slowly, my father walking in front of me. The marble stone floor was colder than usual and was gnawing on my foot. The sense of danger hung in the air, but I walked on. As my father summon me to come forward my foot, obediently, dragged themselves in front him. Knowing that I will be stroke with the slender bamboo stick, instead of fear rising, indifference was replaced by it. The first blow struck my buttock. As it gained speed, almost the entire of my body surface was struck, and then it ended. Black and blue covered my legs and arms as like it was paint. However, unlike paint, it can’t be washed. I hate report cards. Since then, my grades were above average, but until today, I still hate them. 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